This Presbytery is one of three (3) created by a decision of the November 2018 meeting on the Synod of South Australia.

The Presbytery adopted the Adnyamathanha word Wimala (used with the permission of the Elders) as its name to highlight our covenantal relationship with the First Peoples and reflect the Presbytery’s values of gathering and celebrating, nurturing and encouraging, fostering discipleship and acts of outreach and social justice.

The seventy nine (79) inaugural congregations are located within state borders to the north, west and east of South Australia, while the southern edge runs from Gulf St Vincent at Henley Beach through the city and across the hills north of Mannum to meet the Victorian state border.

Central to Wimala Presbytery’s ministry is pastoral oversight of those congregations and all Ministers in the Presbytery, to take an active role in the selection and formation of candidates for ministry, and to promote the wider aspects of the work of the Uniting Church.

For further information about Wimala Presbytery please email wimala@sa.uca.org.au


The Uniting Church SA seeks to be an innovative, growing church proclaiming Jesus Christ, empowered by the Spirit to transform God’s world. Read More.

The Uniting Church is a young church – formed on 22 June 1977, when the Congregational, Methodist, and Presbyterian Churches united to become one. The Basis of Union is the document which affirms our Christian faith and is the guide to what is central to the life of the Uniting Church in Australia. Read the Basis of Union here.



Trevor Phillips

Trevor was involved with a number of community outreach programs in the northern suburbs of Adelaide, and is currently the
Pastor of the Moonta and District Uniting Churches


Amy Duke

Amy currently attends the Trinity Alberton Uniting Church where she enjoys supporting the music worship at the family service. She has a rich history working in the human services where she developed administrative and leadership skills.


Peter Lane

Peter actively serves in the life of the Uniting Church, RSL and RSL in the Gilbert Valley, Auburn, Claire and Midlands Districts. He is a retired primary school principal with a background in finance. 


The Standing Committee is empowered to act on behalf of the Presbytery between meetings of the Presbytery. Members are elected annually by the Presbytery and the Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer are ex-officio members.

Refer to the Presbytery Rules for a full description of the election criteria and process.

Bruce Ind

As a long time participant within councils of the wider Uniting Church, Bruce has significant experience and history of discussion, debate and decisions made in those for a over past years.

Rev Dianne Holden

Dianne is wife, mother and Minister of the Word who is passionate about God, people and the church. She is currently in placement at Enfield UC.

Leanne Davis

Leanne has been involved in the work of the church all of her life and is very interested in the governance of the UCA, and the work of the church beyond congregational life. Leanne currently serves as Pastor at Plains Community Churches.

Richard Idzikowski

Richard attends Prospect Road Uniting Church and has strong knowledge of the Uniting Church governance. He has previously served as presbytery treasurer and is currently also serving the Synod as Mission Leadership Development Board member.

Rev Dr Peter Trudinger

Peter has been a lecturer in Biblical Studies at Uniting College and has held several positions as a lay person in the UCA and Methodist Churches. He is currently the Minister in Placement at Scots Church, Adelaide.

Dr Joanna Palmer

Joanna is a proud lifelong Uniting Church member. Key moments in her faith journey have
included attending National Christian Youth Convention, being a member of Assembly in 2012, and participating in a Taizé pilgrimage. Joanna enjoys participating in worship, particularly through music. Joanna is a medical doctor, which she sees as her Christian vocation


Rev Bob Hutchinson

Rev Jeff Dart 

Rev Wendy Prior

Rev Cate Baker

Rev Rebecca Purling

Pastor Rob Morgan

Rev Geoff Tiller

Christine Secombe

Paul Schmelzkopf


Malcolm Wilson

John Arthur

Trevor Correll


Rev Rebecca Purling

Rev Bob Hutchinson


A gift for the whole church

“Recognising that discernment of call to ministry belongs to the life of al Christian communities, the Period of Discernment is a gift which provides opportunity for any member of the Uniting Church to explore a call to a particular form of ministry.”

At the heart of this process is the understanding that all who have been baptised are called into the ministry of Jesus Christ. The essence of the Period of Discernment is to discern where that ministry lies. It is not simply a process to be completed prior to entry into the ordained ministry.

The ministry might be:

Within the local congregation, faith community or church agency (e.g Youth Leader, Elder, Pastoral Carer, Lay Chaplain, Church Councillor)

Within your normal place of work or within the wider community

Within one of the specified ministries of the Uniting Church (e.g Deacon, Minister of the Word, Pastor or Lay Preacher).

Ann Phillips will help with your enquiries and/or further information – email anncphillips10@gmail.com phone 0408 820 411


Wimala Presbytery has rules and policies to support our work together

Wimala Presbytery 

WPR 1.01 StandingCommittee

WPR 1.05 PresbyteryMembership

WPR 1.11 Faith Communities

WPR 1.12 NonCongregationBodies